Keeping your dog hydrated while active
One of the most important things to remember when taking your dog out for a walk or run is to keep them hydrated. Just like humans, dogs need plenty of water to stay healthy and avoid dehydration - especially when they're being active. Be sure to bring along a water bottle and bowl for your pooch, and take frequent breaks so they can drink as needed.
The importance of canine sunscreen
You may not realize it, but dogs can get sunburned just like humans - especially if they have light-colored fur. To protect your dog's skin from the harmful effects of the sun, be sure to apply sunscreen before heading outdoors (ask your vet for recommendations). And, since dogs can't sweat like humans, it's also important to keep an eye on them for signs of heatstroke - such as excessive panting or drooling, dizziness, or vomiting. If you notice any of these signs, be sure to seek medical help immediately.
Tips for keeping your dog's paws safe
Another thing to be aware of when taking your dog out and about is the condition of their paws. rough terrain can take a toll on their paw pads, so it's important to inspect them regularly and take care of any cuts or scrapes that might occur. Be sure to also keep an eye out for hot pavement, which can burn their paw pads - particularly in the summer months. If the pavement is too hot for you to walk on barefoot, it's probably too hot for your dog as well. Instead, opt for cooler routes or plan your walk/run for early morning or evening hours when the temperature is more bearable.
How to deal with heatstroke in dogs
As mentioned above, dogs can suffer from heatstroke just like humans - so it's important to know how to deal with it if it happens. Symptoms of heatstroke include excessive panting or drooling, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, or collapse. If you notice any of these signs in your dog, immediately move them into the shade or an air-conditioned space and focus on cooling them down by wetting their fur with cool (not cold) water and/or applying ice packs wrapped in a towel to their body (avoiding their face). Once they've cooled down somewhat, take them to the nearest emergency vet hospital immediately for further treatment. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your dog stays healthy and safe while enjoying time outdoors together. Just remember to always pack plenty of water and sunscreen (for you AND your pup!), take breaks often, avoid hot pavement, inspect their paws regularly, and watch out for signs of heatstroke. Have fun!